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MASTERCLASS ERASMUS+ Lorenzo Lucca (Violín )

MASTERCLASS ERASMUS+ Lorenzo Lucca (Violín )

MASTERCLASS ERASMUS+ Lorenzo Lucca (Violín )

Escuela Superior “Franz Liszt” Weimar Alemania 

del 5-7 de marzo 2024

Breve biografía:

Lorenzo Lucca was born in Assisi in 1985.
He studied in Italy with Vadim Brodski and Paola Besutti, graduating at the age of eighteen from the G. B. Martini Conservatory in Bologna. In 2005, he moved to Germany to continue his studies under the guidance of Friedemann Eichhorn (Künstlerisches Diplom and Konzertexamen) Studies in conducting and piano, respectively with Thomas Briccetti and Gian Claudio Mantovani, completed his musical education.

In 2007, he won the audition for the Hof Symphony Orchestra (Bavaria), where he still holds the position of 1. Konzertmeister. In this role, he regularly collaborates with soloists such as Christian Zacharias, Albrecht Mayer, Jonas Kaufmann, Baiba Skride, Elina Garanca, etc. Invited in 2008 as a visiting professor at the “German School of Music” (Kangnam University) in Yongin-Seoul, South Korea, since 2015 he is a professor of violin at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt in Weimar.

Apart from his intensive orchestral activities – which range from symphonic to operatic, from ballet to sacred music – he enjoyed many chamber music collaborations, recording among others for the Bayerischer Rundfunk and the Serbian National Radio. He has performed as a soloist with various European orchestras, including the Jenaer Philharmonie, the Hofer Symphoniker, the Heilbronner Sinfonie Orchester, the Philharmonisches Orchester Gera-Altenburg (Germany), the North Czech Philharmonic Teplice, the Westböhmisches Symphonieorchester Marienbad (Czech Republic), and the Vaasan Kaupunginorkesteri (Finland).

Reflecting his interest in contemporary music, it should be mentioned the recording of two CDs featuring works (partly dedicated to him) by the composer Fernando Sulpizi (1936-) for violin and orchestra, solo violin, and violin and piano, as well as his commitment to promoting the music of the German composer Max Baumann (1917-1999).
Also dedicated to early music, he has released for the Berlin publisher Ortus Verlag the reconstruction of two concertos by the Baroque composer Johann Paul Schiffelholz, restoring the solo part (edition curated by musicologist Klaus Beckmann).

From 2011 to 2019 he was a violin coach at the Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie (IJOA), and since 2019, he is an orchestra conductor at the Meersburger Sommerakademie (MSA).
He holds masterclasses in Italy, Germany and Spain.